Here's a list of a few random things getting on my nerves right now:
1. All the wailing and gnashing of teeth over these insipid Coke commercials, regardless of side. No matter your opinion, you are doing exactly what Coke wants: giving them free advertisement and hype. Unless they are paying you to advertise for them or handle their PR campaign, stop talking about it.
2. I LOATHE when the media gets things wrong, which I would say they do 90% of the time. And then those untruths get picked up as facts since, after all, they were in the media.
3. These ridiculous "One Weird Trick" ads that seem to be everywhere.
4. While we are on the subject, ads, period. All of them.
5. Stepping on stuff and hurting my foot.
6. When my favorite part of a book is not in the movie.
7. Stores that put stickers right across the synopsis of a book.
8. My neighbors, who seem to be running a used car lot out of their house. There are so many cars in our cul de sac I can barely get to my own driveway.
9. Wasting groceries! I buy vegetables and fruits with the best of intentions, but it seems that every day I am having to throw away the strawberries I didn't get to eat, or the squash I forgot to cook, and on and on.
10. That it's possible for you to gain 8 or 10 lbs. in a week but it takes over a month to get rid of it.